Our customers share their first-hand experience going through the ISO 27001 certification process in their testimonials.
Read more below to learn about the difficulties, concerns, and key steps to achieve a successful ISMS implementation and ISO 27001 certification.
Our customer testimonials
Sofico testimonial
Hear from Sven Van den Broeck, CISO for Sofico, how they prepared for their ISO 27001 journey and what advice they have for other companies looking to get certified. Sofico is a software development company.
Tessares customer testimonial
Denis Périquet, CEO of Tessares and Hugues Van Peteghem, COO, share their certification experience. Tessares provides software solutions to telecom operators and ISPs.
Datassur testimonial
Gilles van Raemdonck, Director of Datassur and Xavier Patris, CISO, share their experience! Datassur is a Belgian cooperative focusing on data management and application development for the insurance industry.