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Approach, Trends Gazelles Nominee for third year in a row

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Proud to see that our sustainable growth path is recognised by the prestigious Trends Gazelles.

Yesterday, Trends Gazelles 2021 broadcast a televised special on Canal Z to present the ranking of the nominees in the Walloon Brabant.

We are proud to be a Trends Gazelles nominee, in the category Medium Businesses in the Walloon Brabant province, for the third year in a row.

Congratulations to the ambassadors for 2021. We are glad to see so many Belgian businesses thriving even in the current climate.

We feel confident that Approach will earn a nomination again next year!

The selection of Trends Gazelles is established on the basis of growth figures: added value over the last 5 accounting years, staff and cash flow.

For more information, visit Trends Gazelles 2021.


We have been nominated for the ‘Cybersecurity Innovator of the Year’ award by Data News. Discover what we have been up to in the last year.
Approach is nominated in the “Cybersecurity Innovator of the Year” category.  Votes are opened until 14th of June!  
This nomination is a nice recognition of our sustainable growth strategy.

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