Approach and KnowBe4 partnership to answer your phishing and security awareness challenges.
Transform your cyber security culture, foster your security awareness, and face the increasing phishing risks efficiently thanks to our human-centric security framework and our KnowBe4 partnership, the world-leading security awareness & training solution platform.
With is state-of-the-art phishing platform and thousands of high-quality, multilingual, content, KnowBe4 offers the best tools to enable your employee to make smarter security decisions, every day.
Why invest now in security awareness?
Cyber threats are on the rise in these times of pandemic, as the Center for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) has observed in its various analysis reports. Cybercriminals have been regularly using the COVID19 theme as a decoy. Online ordering of masks and home packet delivery, in particular, have been heavily exploited in fraudulent e-mails (« Phishing ») and SMS (« Smishing »). The widespread practice of teleworking entails risks for organisations that are not careful. They are obliged to widely open their networks, applications, and data to their employees and partner’s devices and home networks, and very quickly place critical assets in the « Cloud ».
According to Europol, criminals use phishing emails, and mostly spear-phishing attacks, as the primary infection vector in 65% of targeted attacks (Europol, 2019). One data breach out of three involves phishing. Ransomware, fraud, and (personal) data leakage are the three main risks behind phishing.
How to get the best return from your security awareness program?
Even with the best phishing training & simulations platform, you still need to:
- Motivate and Engage your teams in this process
- Train them in the right context – because the context defines how we act
- Tailor the awareness program to your organisation for better ROI. As for example select the right content fitting your security objectives and your culture
Our unique human-centric security approach and our phishing prevention solutions will help you to define and identify:
- The most relevant human-related threats.
- The adequate behaviour you should expect from your employees.
- A progressive approach (we must learn to walk before we can run).
- The optimal frequency to learn fast without being bored.
- Reliable metrics to measure your progress.
- Any “friction” slowing down your transformation.
- Meaningful reports allowing you to steer your cybersecurity program.
Approach brings its unique experience and knowledge to bear in the psychology of phishing, education, and cybersecurity to tailor the program to your organisation’s culture and to maximise the results. We combine years of field expertise with the insights of academic researches, including some lead by our own people.
Why context is key in the security awareness program?
Have you or your colleagues ever clicked on an email that you shouldn’t click? Get aware and trained on cyber risks is key but keep in mind the context can influence your behaviour; your emotions (tired, stressed…) can affect your attention, and may you lead to click on a phishing email.
Humans are – for us – the best defensive line by far to stop cyber-attacks or limit their impact, that’s why we pay attention to human factors during our security awareness and phishing prevention missions. This is the most effective approach to maximise your results and reduce your phishing risks.